Industry Solutions

Designed with Service Industry Professionals in Mind

Job-Dox is fully-functional project management software that is user-friendly for owners, employees, and customers and available on multiple platforms. Our job management software was designed – with service industry professionals in mind – to be a tool that helps productivity throughout every phase of a project. With Job-Dox, project tasks will no longer slip through the cracks, as the unique customizable features helps you stay organized and on top of any tasks throughout the workday. The industry solutions that Job-Dox provides include accessibility to information for your staff and customers, as well as device and equipment tracking. Don’t wait another day to get your business’s operations organized; get Job-Dox today!

How We Help


Simplify your daily management tasks. Let Job-Dox help keep your projects organized and operating on schedule.


Our user friendly interface was developed and continues to be improved using feedback from our users.


What you see is not all you get. We can customize certain aspects of Job-Dox to create a solution specifically for your business.

Say Adiós to Paper

Are You Ready?

Really simple pricing

No hidden fees, no limits

Job-Dox Pro Starter

$ 250 / Month
  • Save up to 40% on Job-Dox Starter. Special Intro Rate of $250 / Month for New Customers.
  • Up to 5 Users

Job-Dox Pro

$ 500 / Month
  • Save up to 30% on Job-Dox Pro. Special Intro Rate of $500 / Month for New Customers.
  • Up to 10 Users

Job-Dox Enterprise


Wouldn’t it be great if you had a software built to meet your needs. Now you do!


Allow your team, clients, vendors, and anyone else to view the project in real time with our software.


Let Job-Dox work for you by automatically creating tasks and alerting you and your team when something is needed.

Job-Dox Offers Service Industry Solutions

Job-Dox’s intuitive management software helps to offer total customer support by keeping clear records of every electronic exchange that takes place, such as emails, phone calls, and text messages. Our features help you to stay current and in cohesive communication with clients, so you can answer any questions they may have about the work you are doing for them and can keep them apprised of any updates. Job-Dox management software also has a portal for customers to log into so they can see a real-time report of what progress has been made to their project.

Go Paperless with Job-Dox Management Software

Job-Dox software is flexible and can be customized specifically for your business. With minimal training, your team will be using this innovative project management software and noticing the results of having workflow streamlined. Job-Dox helps you go completely paperless so you can keep up with the fast-paced marketplace and spend less time searching through stacks of files. Our software offers budget tools so you can upload receipts for fuel, supplies, and more, making Job-Dox a clear choice for any service industry business with lots to keep track of.

Provide VIP Experience for Your Customers

You can start maximizing profits for your company today by utilizing all the features of Job-Dox. Our software lets you provide your clients with the ultimate customer service by keeping them informed of what’s going on with their project every step of the way. Job-Dox offers service industry solutions for simplifying daily management tasks, by organizing to-do lists and keeping you on schedule so you can complete jobs by the deadlines you provide to clients. Unlike other project management software, the interface of Job-Dox is customizable, so you can set up whatever automated features you think will work bets for your particular business model.

Get started with a
28-day free trial.

With our project management software, you can keep your customers informed about various projects, which will help productivity. Our company can help your company become more efficient and more equipped in an increasingly technological society.